Thursday, April 24, 2008

Buying A Diamond Engagement Ring

OK guys, we all know that buying a diamond engagement ring is no big deal, right? Well, actually, it's probably one of the most important purchasing decisions you'll ever have to make because of the high-ticket value and the sentimental importance of the gift you give to that special someone in your life. For the most part, a diamond engagement ring is something that will have to last forever, and may even be passed down to the next generation as a family treasure. All the more pressure, then, to make sure that the diamond engagement ring you select is of high quality and is likely to last the long haul. However, is there also a way to ensure you don't end up with a dud, and you get it right when trying to choose that ring your partner secretly has her eye on?

The first thing to do when preparing to buy a diamond engagement ring is to illicit from your girlfriend what kind of styles and designs of rings she likes. Does she like something plain with one solid diamond, or something a bit more adventurous with a number of smaller stones? Is she going for gold, or does she prefer white gold or platinum for her ring? Obviously don't come straight out and ask her unless you want to completely ruin the surprise, but try to find out what she likes and what she doesn't first off.

When you understand what she likes and what she doesn't it's time to find out her size. Yes, rings do come in different sizes. It depends on the thickness of your wife-to-be's finger what size she should take, and there's no real easy way of finding out this info if you don't know it already. Try asking he friends and family, or alternatively take one of her rings into a jeweller who should be able to advise you on which size you should be looking for.

Finally it is important to ensure the standard of the craftsmanship is high so as to avoid potential damage to the aesthetics or to prevent

By Guna Seelan



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